Spain Student Housing Residence Halls Rules and Regulations

General Terms and Conditions

The general conditions of the internal regulations of Spain Student Housing and associated companies in which it is called Spain Student Housing are the following:

Chapter I - General Provisions

Article 1

In order to ensure a good coexistence in the residence, all residents undertake in writing for their admission to comply with these rules and the rules of coexistence derived from them. Residents who have signed the lease confirm that they know and accept in their entirety the general operating conditions described below.

Chapter II - Rights and obligations of residents 

Article 2

Residents have the following obligations:

I. Submit and comply with the rules governing admission, stay, operation and coexistence of the residence.

II. Maintain due respect and consideration for other residents or any other persons in the residence, as well as for the neighborhood where it is located.

III. To make proper use of all the objects, furniture, services and facilities of the residence, and to maintain them in proper working order.

IV. Not to disturb, under any circumstances, especially by avoiding disturbing noises, the study or rest of other residents. Especially from 23.00 to 08.00 and study from 15:00 - 21:00 or at any other time.

V. To care for and keep their room, furniture, fixtures and furnishings clean.

VI. Any other obligations deriving from these Regulations or from the internal rules established by the Management in order to regulate the life of the Residence, and in particular the following:

  • a. In compliance with Law 28/2005 of December 26, 2005, smoking is strictly prohibited in all common areas of the residence. Failure to comply with this rule and the possible sanction will be the responsibility of the tenant.
  • b. Garbage bags may not remain on the doors or windows of the rooms or in the hallways of the residence, and must be thrown inside the container that is in the vicinity of the residence and not in the vicinity of the same.
  • c. It is the resident's responsibility to ensure that the walls of the room are well maintained. Painting costs will be deducted from the deposit in case of scuffs, stains, scratches, marks, holes, etc.
  • d. The windows of the rooms shall be kept free of the deposit of any type of article (clothes, bottles, pots, food, etc.).
  • e. In case of clogging of a drain due to improper use of the drain, the costs of repair shall be borne by the tenant.
  • f. Placing labels, posters, signs, etc., anywhere on the residence hall (Mailboxes, doors, walls, etc.) is strictly prohibited.
  • g. It is strictly forbidden to throw papers, cigarettes, matches or any other garbage elements in the stairways, entrances, corridors, patios, elevators, green spaces, etc.
  • h. All musical instruments and diverse devices are prohibited if they disturb the rest of the neighbors.
  • i. It is forbidden to keep animals of any kind in any of the areas of the Residence Halls.
  • j. The visiting regime shall be from 07:00 to 23:00 hours from Monday to Sunday. Outside these hours, visits are forbidden, unless expressly authorized in writing by the Management, which shall have the authority to regulate the procedure for accessing the same during these restricted hours. Residents will be responsible for the persons who, with their authorization, access the Residences.
  • k. It is forbidden to keep in the room devices such as stoves, radiators, heaters, etc., which may be a source of fire. In the case of causing any breakage, the tenant will be financially responsible for their costs and possible expulsion from our residences.
  • l. The Residence reserves the right to inform parents or financially responsible parties of any matter it deems appropriate concerning the resident that may affect the operation of the Residence.
  • m. Ten days notice of departure from the residence must be given before the end of the contract, with the exception of special cases, failure to comply will result in the termination of the relationship between the Residence and the tenant and the denial of future accommodation.
  • n. The staff of the residences may temporarily remove those objects that pose a risk to safety, health, or coexistence in the residence, as well as those whose installation or use are not permitted by the regulations of each center. These objects will be delivered to the management of the residence to assess how to proceed.
  • ñ. The Residence or Universidad Catolica de San Antonio will in no case be responsible for the loss or theft of objects in the University Residence.

Article 3 - Faults

The following shall be considered minor offenses:

I. The celebration of parties in rooms and common areas of the residence. Also, when there are meetings in a room. The tenant of the room will be responsible for the acts that occur in it, being obliged if necessary to identify any person who was in his room at the time.

II. Running and playing in the hallways.

III. Knocking or banging on room doors, telephoning other residents and attempting to enter other people's rooms, if these actions cause a nuisance or complaint on the part of said residents.

IV. Assign the use of any of the vouchers to another person.

The following shall be considered serious misconduct:

V. The consumption of alcoholic beverages in the common areas of the residence, as well as the illicit consumption or possession of any type of narcotic substance.

VI. The theft of goods or utensils belonging to fellow employees or staff.

VII. Acts of vandalism in the common areas of the residence hall such as elevators, walls, etc.

VIII. To totally or partially cede the use of rooms to persons who are not entitled to a place in the center.

IX. Keeping animals in the rooms 

X.To possess, possess, consume or traffic in narcotic or psychotropic substances, or any other substances considered illegal.

Article 4 - Sanctions and expulsions

Spain Student Housing reserves the right to expel from the residence any person who fails to comply with any of the points mentioned in these General Conditions. 

For minor offenses:

  • Loss of the right to room selection for the following academic year.
  •  Private reprimand.

For serious misconduct:

  • Definitive expulsion  

Article 5 - Internet

The use of P2P downloading programs, such as e-mule, Ares, etc. is strictly forbidden as they hinder the proper functioning of the Internet. In case of non-compliance with this rule by any of the users, the management of the Residence will not be responsible for the problems caused.

The management of the Residence may block all domains or Web pages it deems appropriate, especially those related to video downloads and in general all those that, due to their excessive consumption of bandwidth, hinder the proper functioning of the Internet.

The management of the Residence may cut off Internet access to all residents who use the Internet inappropriately.

Likewise, it is strictly forbidden the implementation of WIFI points or routers internally in the rooms as this may cause a general malfunction to the rest of the residents. If one of these WIFI points is detected, the residence reserves the right to cut Internet access in that room.

Article 6 - Claims handling

In the event of an accident in the studio, the tenant must immediately inform the management of the Residence, indicating the place, time and circumstances of the accident.

The lessee shall be obliged to make the necessary representations to the insurance company.

The tenant may not invoke the responsibility of Spain Student Housing in the event of theft, robbery or any criminal act done by a third party or by an occupant in his room or in the property in general.


Article 7 - Checking rooms

The tenant will have to let Spain Student Housing visit his room whenever necessary and of course in case of renewal of the rental, as well as to check and check the condition of the furniture, the functioning of the installed appliances and tools.

Span Student Housing is obliged to present a room in a good state of habitability and to make any necessary repairs, but the tenant will be responsible and liable for the expenses when the damage, deterioration or breakdowns caused have been provoked or are the consequence of his negligence, imprudence or misuse.

Article 8 - Occupancy and Assignment

The tenant is obliged to live personally in the room. Likewise, it is forbidden to assign, with or without consideration, to persons other than those indicated, as well as to sublet all or part of the studio. The rooms must be used for the student's living quarters, and any commercial or professional use of the same is prohibited.

Article 9 - Maintenance of the condition of the rooms

The lessee must return the studio at the end of the contract in a state in accordance with its initial situation, respecting the provisions of the following article and in a state of maintenance and cleanliness corresponding to its normal use. The tenant is responsible for all deteriorations that may occur during the use of the studio, excluding those resulting from age, construction defects or defects of construction or force majeure. The tenant is not allowed to make any transformation of the room or its equipment. Spain Student Housing reserves the right to require the tenant to restore the room to its original state at the tenant's expense.

Article 10 - Modification of Facilities

Any modification of the floor and wall coverings is prohibited.

At the end of the contract, the tenant must take all his personal belongings with him. The tenant cannot claim any compensation for the installations or appliances left in the room at the end of the contract. All decoration or remodeling work done by the tenant contrary to the preceding article will remain the property of Spain Student Housing at the end of the contract without compensation unless Spain Student Housing prefers to have the studio restored to its original condition at the tenant's expense.

Article 11 - Damages Caused

The tenant is responsible for any damage to the furnishings and flooring, as well as to the paintings and sanitary fixtures.

The cost of changing the locks or copies of lost or broken keys will be at the expense of the tenant. The tenant will accept without compensation the execution of works of common or private parts necessary for the maintenance of the property for Spain Student Housing.

Article 12 - Non-fulfillment of Obligations

Failure by residents to comply with their obligations will result in:

a. The termination of the relationship with the Residence with the consequent loss of the rights provided for in these regulations and any other in relation to the Residence.

b. To the eviction of the dwelling, which in the case of non-payment of the rental installments may be effective when the non-payment affects two monthly payments, consecutive or not. The defaulting party will have ten days to vacate the dwelling from the due date of the second unpaid rental installment.

c. The disciplinary responsibility that, if any, could be imposed as a result of the rules of general application and the rules of coexistence of the Residence.

d. The definitive expulsion implies the rupture of the bond and the impossibility of resuming the relationship between the University Housing Service and the expelled resident, entailing the loss of the bond and no refund of any amount, in compensation for the consequent losses derived from this situation for the University Housing Service.

Article 13 - Deposit and Installments

The tenant shall pay a deposit at his entrance. In no way the payment of rents and expenses can be made on this deposit. The deposit must remain intact until the expiration of the contract. Upon arrival and departure from the residence, an inventory will be signed by the resident specifying the condition of the room, as well as its furnishings and furniture. Any damage occurring during the resident's stay will be deducted from the deposit. For this purpose, we have an indicative table of prices and costs of repair and / or replacement of such damage.

The deposit will not be returned to the lessee if the lease is terminated early.

The deposit shall be refunded within 90 days after the expiration of the contract and the liquidation of the studio ascertained by the state of the room, the inventory of furniture and the handing over of the keys. In this case the tenant is obliged to give Spain Student Housing his new address before leaving the residence.

All amounts that may be owed to Spain Student Housing by the tenant will be offset against the deposit and the resulting amount will be returned to the tenant after deduction of previous debts.

Unjustified non-payment will be grounds for immediate discharge from the residence.

All leases of accommodation in any of our residences are from September to July, eleven (11) months, in which the tenant agrees to occupy the apartment or room for a minimum of six (6) months. The rent for this period must be paid in full, even in the case of unilateral cancellation by the tenant.

The late payment of monthly payments may be subject to a surcharge of 50 euros per day if the payment is not processed in the bank account or platform of the lease.

Failure to return the keys of the residences at the end of the contract may result in a surcharge of 80 euros per day.

Article 14 - Insurance

Spain Student Housing will take out an insurance policy with a reputable insurance company. For damages not covered by this policy Spain Student Housing will be responsible.

Article 15 - Rescission and Penalty Clause

Failure to pay the deposit and/or all or part of the first month's rent, its charges or accessories will result in the termination of this contract as of right if it is in the interest of Spain Student Housing. The expulsion of the tenant may be carried out without judicial intervention.

In case of payment of the amounts due the payment will be considered as done once the amounts have actually been credited to Spain Student Housing accounts. In case of non-payment the amounts due will be increased by the legal interest rate.

In the event that it is necessary to enforce collection by judicial means, the lessee must pay a penalty of 5% of the amounts due in addition to the amounts owed.

Article 16 - Expenses

The expenses and fees and all costs of Spain Student Housing to proceed with the execution of this contract or due to legal proceedings shall be reimbursed by the tenant.

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